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WHO IS PACE Alberta?

PACE Alberta is a private non-profit education and advocacy co-operative organization. We are dedicated to dramatically reducing Canada's GHG footprint through the establishment of a dynamic and thriving PACE ecosystem in Alberta and Canada.

We promote and help facilitate the development and delivery of Residential and Commercial PACE programs through ongoing advocacy, the provision of consultancy services, and the dissemination of PACE information and resources.


Our goal: to make it easy and affordable for homeowners and businesses to reduce their building's eco-footprint.


Our mission: create a sustainable future by making energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrade measures affordable to all Canadian building owners.


Our vision: every building in Canada is optimized with renewable energy and energy efficiency measures to achieve net-zero performance and for PACE financing to be the tool that makes the measures affordable to all.


PACE Alberta is advocating for the creation of a thriving and dynamic PACE ecosystem based on proven PACE lessons, best practices, and successes from the USA. Properly structured, a PACE ecosystem will transform the economics of sustainability and make a significant impact on the climate change challenge.


The following organizations, companies and individuals have signed on to our vision for PACE to play a key role in creating a sustainable Alberta, Canada and world. We invite you to add your voice and show your support for the PACE initiative and vision by clicking on the green bar below. Note: All supporter registrations will be vetted before appearing on this website.

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"We are proud to partner with PACEAlberta as they work to expand PACE's impact on job creation, economic development and clean energy across the globe."


"Our members will significantly benefit from PACE Alberta"


"PACE is "energizing" the American solar sector and will do the same in Alberta if properly implemented"


"PACE is a successful energy performance financing program which we are pleased to support"


"PACE will help us all kick the fossil fuel habit, save money, and help Alberta meet its GHG reduction goals. A win-win-win."


"CAPE wholeheartedly supports PACE. It just makes sense, broadening the numbers of Albertans that can partake in the renewable economy. Vote PACE!"


"CaGBC members are excited to see PACE implemented in the region"

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"PACE will be a turning point on our path towards a low carbon economy in Alberta."


"PACE will fast-track Alberta's low-carbon future by removing financial barriers to building owners pursuing energy efficiency improvements"

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"PACE provides a valuable mechanism to finance much needed energy efficiency retrofits"

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"PACE is a useful financing tool that helps remove barriers for Canadian homeowners looking to saving energy."

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"PACE would be a huge benefit, not only by reducing our emissions, but by creating so many new job opportunities, and allow labor migration from the O&G industry to renewables and energy efficiency."


"I work in the climate solutions field, and PACE is one of the critical solutions that we need for housing retrofits. We need model legislation!"


"PACE will assist all property owners across Canada to make their buildings greener, which is critical to achieving our national environmental goals."


"WSP recognizes the positive impact PACE financing will have on Energy Efficiency advocacy and uptake in the province and in Canada"


"PACE can reduce energy costs for residents and businesses while creating good quality jobs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions."

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"Climate change is altering the world and energy from buildings is one of the largest contributors to GHG emissions. PACE Alberta is a necessity!"


"PACE will be a great opportunity for Canadian property owners to make their homes and businesses more efficient"

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"We support PACE as it will enable further GHG Emissions reduction by homeowners in Alberta"

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"Very excited that PACE has taken the initiative to remove the financial barriers so Albertans can move forward with renewable technologies and more efficient building solutions!"

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"The PACE program will make it simple and cost effective for homes and businesses to stick it where the sun does shine!"

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"Alberta can no longer stand on the sidelines as Europe and the US unlock 100’s of millions in investment with PACE financing systems."


"Not for profits and Condo Boards can benefit tremendously with PACE program... It's a conscious choice balancing Energy, Environment & Economy"


"Made-in-Alberta PACE program is a must if we want to address the aging infrastructure challenges that lie ahead adequately"


"PACE Financing would be an asset to building owners and developers to realize alternative energy options"

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"We are thrilled with PACE. It will drive cost and energy savings across Alberta's building stock and will help meet Canada’s targets under The Paris Accord. We support this initiative wholeheartedly."


"PACE will give Albertan's an affordable option to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and businesses"


"PACE will allow farms like ours to quickly implement our objective of alternative energy sources."

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"PACE is helping facilitate real change for Canadians. Fiscally Positive, Actionable, Climate Focused Leadership in Action."


"PACEAlberta is helping to bring energy efficiencies to Albertans"


"We are big believer in the PACE program"


"... helping condominium boards understand PACE"


"PACE will empower a revolution in implementing emerging renewable technologies and sustainable industries, creating jobs and reducing GHG emissions"


"Oasis Engineering enthusiastically supports PACE Alberta as our clients, industry partners and public will benefit from this program"


"PACE will give Albertan's an affordable option to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and businesses"

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"PACE provides users with an tool to save money and make an impact without adding the weight of traditional debt. It will make a huge impact."

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"PACE financing will remove major barriers to solar and energy efficiency projects for property owners. What a positive step forward!"


"The PACE program should be a very useful tool when a renewable energy microgrid is being considered by a municipality or group of property owners"


"PACE is an important financing mechanism to generate the public benefits of GHG emission reductions and job creation around sustainability"

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"PACE will be a huge benefit to rural property owners looking to install solar projects and can only be good for the planet and green jobs in Alberta."


"PACE is a great opportunity for home and business owners to get the upgrades they want while boosting Alberta's economy"

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"We are excited to support PACE and the opportunity to make renewables more accessible for new developments and retrofit projects across Alberta."

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"PACE financing will definitely boost the transition to renewables by making it more affordable for Albertans, create jobs and support the economy."


"The PACE program is a great tool for homeowners, allowing them to match the savings from their solar installation to repayments through property taxes"

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"PACE financing is a common sense solution - environmentally, financially, economically. We're excited to support this program."

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"PACE will help green our future, make solar affordable to everyone, and put power back in the hands of Alberta residents and businesses large & small!"

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"PACE allows homeowners easy access to renewable energy systems, and we a

re honored to support their heating and cooling needs."


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"PACE removes the last barrier to greening buildings with little/no risk to all stake holders, as significant as the first property mortgage programs."


"We have enough customers waiting for PACE to be available in Alberta to justify hiring more personnel. This program would boost Alberta's economy."


"PACE will create sustainable, long-term jobs while allowing Albertans to build healthy, durable, efficient homes for themselves and their families."

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"Pace will help Alberta go green while boosting the economy, a win - win."

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"An Alberta PACE program is the cornerstone of green building retrofits."


"We are very excited that PACE is representing geo-exchange in Alberta by providing access for everyone to these vital grid energy reducing systems."

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"PACE is a key element in creating zero carbon buildings and communities, Carbon Busters' core mission."

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"PACE financing will advance clean tech and energy efficiency adoption in Alberta by removing financial barriers; we are proud to support this program."

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"PACE financing will advance clean tech and energy efficiency adoption in Alberta by removing financial barriers; we are proud to support this program."

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"We would love to see PACE take off as it will very quickly provide access to renewables to many who could not finance it otherwise."


"PACE helps homeowners secure the capital for Solar PV and other energy efficiency investments on their homes"


"PACE is a game changer that can take us to a better future"

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"PACE Alberta like in the USA will accelerate investment exponentially into energy efficiency projects in Alberta."


"We are excited to see PACE apply its energy initiatives to assist businesses and neighbourhoods throughout Alberta."


"We feel that a properly designed & managed PACE program would be a boon for the solar industry & Albertans. Let's do it right!"


"PACE has the potential to be a strong program in the energy & utility community as Alberta's vision for greener energy evolves. It's an exciting time."


"A great program to improve economics. We are looking forward to promoting PACE to our customers."


"PERI strongly supports PACE as another tool in Alberta's energy efficiency toolbox. Let's get some provincial legislation to support it!"


"Energy efficiency is one of societies highest priorities. PACE will aid cogeneration in Alberta catch up to other parts of the world"


"PACE is like Local Improvement Charge. Key differences: one property/not many, voluntary/not forced, clean energy/not whatever. Time for Alberta PACE!"


"As renewable energy consultants in Alberta, SolBird sees great potential for PACE to grow the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry"


"PACE allows for an extremely easy point of entry for anyone wanting to install solar panels. We are proud to support this initiative."


"PACE is win-win-win-win; for the Economy, the Environment, the Municipality and for its Workforce."


"Finally an energy financing program that is sustainable!"


"PACE will help reduce a major barrier to energy efficiency upgrades."


"PACE is an excellent solution to empowering those who cannot afford long term investments, but who need it the most."


"PACE will offer a new way for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies to be financed, allowing for higher market uptake"


"PACE is a simple and effective way to finance renewable energy for all home owners in Alberta"


"PACE...Great conversation starter to bring energy conservation measures to existing buildings across Alberta!"


"PACE...Awesome initiative. Cannot wait to inform our clients when it will be available."


"PACE financing is the best thing since the sun!"


"Our residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial clients will all benefit from being able to access PACE financing"


"With a program like PACE in place, Alberta could easily become the leader in Green House Gas reduction efforts."

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"Looking forward to PACE financing being available to our clients in Calgary"


"PACE...Blows away the financial barriers to solar. Game changer"


"Far better than "Green Loans", PACE financing will permit every new housing co-op to be optimized for Passive House performance or better!"


"PACE is key to the rapid growth of solar PV and energy efficiency in buildings by giving owners access to long-term low-risk transferable financing"

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